Saturdays in Swank


I originally wasn’t planning to upload this outfit of the day look to the blog as I felt I didn’t have enough good images of myself to make an entire post (shallow yet true).  However, considering how much I love this jacket I had a last minute change of heart. I decided that this extremely stylish piece did not deserve to be only uploaded to Instagram as had initially intended.  From the moment I laid my eyes on this jacket I knew I had to have it. Although it did take me a good two days to actually acquire (this is a whole other story that I may or may not tell one day) it was defiantly worth the wait.  This jacket (and the many others made by SWANK) is extremely unique and has its own special character due to its funky design making this fashionable find  one I’m glad I fought for.  Having lived in Asia most of my life (more specifically Indonesia for the past two and a half years) I still find myself discovering more and more local brands and labels with extremely talented designers at their helm and swank is no exception.  As the year progresses I plan to show you, my readers, more of what Asia has to offer the global fashion industry.  


Jacket: SWANK the label