Missing that sweater weather
Metallic grey and white color blocked sweater by VINORA
Lets pretend for a second that it's still cold outside and the wind still gives of that chilly feeling as it surrounds the body making you shiver. Lets pretend, in fact, that it's still winter because I am looking for an excuse to continue to wear sweaters and to write this extremely overdue piece. Although the winter season has almost (just) ended I’m already looking forward to the next one. There’s something about wearing sweaters that makes me feel good. I spent some of last winter back home in Beijing and got as much of that cold air as possible.
Discreet sweater by MINIMAL
As I’m now back living in Jakarta Indonesia the opportunity to truly wear a sweater rarely presents itself. I find myself getting a bit too hot and sticky in this tropical climate even in the rainy season as the weather cools down. Although I am acclimatized I still do find myself longing to pull out some of my favorite winter pieces from my closet as I decide what to wear that morning.
Sweater by MINIMAL
ZARA sweater paired with sleeveless coat by Ardistia New York
Sweater by COUNTRY ROAD Photographed in Beijing