A Conversation with Liv Lo
IMAGE: Reebok
Meet Liv Lo, the successful TV host, yoga instructor, and the founder of FitSphere who is taking the world by storm. We recently had the honor of chatting with Liv about her inspiration for launching FitSphere, her personal style, how she has stayed in shape during quarantine and her thoughts on fashion, food and so much more.
E&W: Hi Liv, How have you been lately and what were you doing to keep yourself busy during lockdown ?
Liv Lo: Wow, so much. Even with travel and my television work put on pause, I have been working from home for all my life, so when everyone was ordered to stay at home people wanted to workout from home as well. With exercise products, livestream workouts and programs available we saw our audience double and became welcomingly busy.
E&W: Staying at home has been difficult for many of us, what did you do to ensure you stayed in shape during quarantine ?
Liv Lo: Bringing weekly livestream classes has allowed my creativity and connection to flow while keeping me fit and accountable to stay healthy and not to slack on my own fitness. My launch and birthday party featured dance routines that were a completely new rhythm for me and I enjoyed sharing fresh concepts and dancing with you. I also was able to donate 200 classes worth $2,000 US from supporting FitSphere members, those who lost their jobs, and Black Lives Matter with mediation, yoga, and dance.
I also practiced a lot online with my favorite teachers from around the world. Because we all were going through the same thing everyone started offering their classes digitally. I took part in so many virtual conferences, panels, and rituals that I had a packed Zoom schedule at home.
E&W: What inspired you to create FitSphere and what impact has it had on your life ?
Liv Lo: My long time experience with yoga is the catalyst that pushed me to create my own brand of exercise. While some people get fitter as a result of a regular yoga practice traditionally the purpose of yoga is not for fitness.
After taking 2 teacher trainings I started teaching in a yoga school, teaching bootcamps, and workshops. During this time I started to form my own voice and my beliefs as a teacher of what fitness should be like. The greater message - that fitness is a lifestyle and not a goal - is ultimately what I want people to learn from FitSphere.
IMAGE: FitSphere
E&W: As fitness has had a huge influence on the fashion industry over the years, do you think we will be seeing a FitSphere activewear collection released anytime soon ?
Liv Lo: I have been working with Reebok as brand ambassador for the last 4 years. I prefer to stay focused on equipment and videos for now and let the brands that do things well take care of that.
E&W: What are your future goals for FitSphere? How do you hope to expand the company?
Liv Lo: The world, e-commerce, and the nature of fitness is changing so much that we are not focusing as much on growth as we are on doing what we do very well. I have just moved to Los Angeles and am setting roots down and personally growing here. FitSphere will grow with me as a result.
E&W: When working as a TV host your schedule must become even busier than it already is. How did you find the perfect balance between work and working out?
Liv Lo: My experience with presenting, production, and media has given me great confidence with teaching large audiences and instructing online. In this I strive for cohesion and flow between my personal growth, learning, and work.
IMAGE: Fitsphere / Reebok
E&W: Through your work you have attended some of the hottest industry events and movie premiers in Asia and the rest of the world. What are your secrets for getting red carpet ready?
Liv Lo: Glad you asked! I created a whole workout program for this called FitSphere Red Carpet.
It’s all about building confidence in getting to know yourself. Being aware of your body and how you inhabit this world is a greater insight I teach to students in this workout series.
E&W: Who were you most star struck to interview when working for Fox Movies?
Liv Lo: Paul Rudd! I used to watch all his movies as a young girl. When I met him in Taiwan for Antman and the Wasp he was so kind as to be standing, waiting for interviewees, with an outstretched hand and a smile. I was so taken back with his kindness that all I could say is “I have loved you since the beginning” lol.
E&W: You’ve lived in some of the world’s most amazing cities including Taipei, Tokyo and Singapore. How has living in these cities influenced your personal style?
Liv Lo: Every country's style is different and working in the fashion industry as well in Taiwan and Japan gave me an innate sense of style from a young age. Each city is so different that what is trending in Japan does not translate in LA for example. The icons, weather, and culture is just different. No matter the location I focus on buying local, from local sustainable brands mostly. As a brand with sustainable products - the Spheres are made entirely eco-friendly https://fit-sphere.com/product/spheres-weighted-balls/ I look to support those that are doing things better with the earth in mind.
IMAGE: Reebok
E&W: What are your favorite dishes from each of the cities you have lived in?
Liv Lo: Taipei - Lu Wei (滷味) - Braised aromatic five spiced goodness, Mala hot pot, night market stalls.
Tokyo - pizza at Savoy, sushi at Tsukiji, ramen everywhere
Singapore - Laksa, Durian, Mee Pok, Biryani rice.
E&W: You’ve mentioned on Instagram that you are a Third Culture Kid (TCK) and that you grew up in a bilingual household, just like many of our readers. What does being a TCK mean to you?
Liv Lo: Growing up half from a place and half from another place can make it confusing to identify with where you come from, but working to understand yourself is extremely positive. Just the nature of your being requires us to answer these deeper questions of who we are are of benefit to us. For myself, having multicultural upbringing has expanded my mind, opportunities and given a broader perspective. Ultimately I wouldn't change a thing and am extremely grateful for the freedom I have found from being a child of the world.
E&W: What is the most important lesson 2020 has taught you thus far and how will you apply this lesson in the future?
Liv Lo: That I am changing, the world is changing, and that it's completely ok. Everything is impermanent and out of our control. The more I come to understand that and experience being here now, no matter the challenges and difficulties, I am able to enjoy life in every moment and take pleasure from the simplest things in life.
IMAGE: Green is the new Black
Interview by: Jourdie
Photos: courtesy of FitSphere